Tips for Promoting Your Home Business Website
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Do you have your own home based business? Do you have a website for it? If so, then you need to promote the website for your home business to bring in even more business. There are a few tips for promoting your home business website that will bring you more customers.
One way to promote your home business website is to list it with the search engines. A search engine is an internet directory that is designed to make your website easier to locate and easier for a potential customer to access it. Each search engine listing will include a link to your website. If your website does not get listed within the top twenty of the major search engines, then chances are that your website will rarely be seen. Since a recent survey showed that between 84% to 92% of internet users the world over use search engines to find what they need, you will definitely want to take advantage of this tool. The top three search engines to be listed in are MSN, Yahoo, and Google.
Another way to promote your business website is via RSS feeds and blogs. A blog is just a short way of say Web Log. Blogging is just basically uploading text onto the same place on the internet daily, weekly, monthly, or at least on a regular basis. The best people to blog are people who write because it is their passion. You can hire someone to do this for you or you can do it yourself. There are many websites on the internet that are dedicated to web logs.
Have you ever went to a website and see a banner at the top of the page advertising another website? This is another form of promoting your business website. You can create a banner with a simple paint program, like Photoshop. If you want to animate it, there are animation programs out there, too. There are many banner exchange websites online that will allow you to place your banner on their website. Banner exchanges are pretty easy to participate in; however, these types of exchanges most likely will not let you pick and choose who you want to trade with.
Another way to advertise your home business website is by opt-in mailing. Bulk emailing is the practice of sending mass quantities of email to lists of “unqualified” email address. This is considered spam and is considered to be in bad taste. If you send unsolicited email to people that do not want commercial email, you will run the risk of ruining the reputation of your business and getting into trouble with your ISP. It is best for you to use targeted direct email. This means that you will be sending your email to people that have approved or opted in to receive this type of email. There are many websites on the internet that provide this type of service for you and are definitely worth checking out.
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Top Network Marketing Company
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Most network marketing companies will claim that they are the top of the industry. How do you know if they are telling the truth or not? If you follow a few tips, then you will be sure to get involved with the top network marketing company. Check out how long they have been in business. If they have been doing business for at least five years, then they will probably be around for a while. If not, then you may be wasting your time and money by investing in a company that might close at any time.
The company that you choose should have the capital to continue their growth and to pay your commissions. If you want to make sure that the company has that capital, then you could choose a publicly traded company. They are required by law to disclose their financial situation in minute detail to the SEC and other government agencies every 90 days.
You will want to go with a company that provides a product or service that is unique and one where there is a need for it. You do not want your potential customers to be able to buy the same product at a discount price in a store somewhere. In addition you do not want to have to deal with a lot of competition. Your product will also need to fill a real need and at a reasonable price or you will not be able to sell it and your business will fail.
Avoid products or services that are the current trend or fad. If you do, then when the trend or fad goes away your business will fail, too. You want to build long term income and trends and fads will not do it. Select a company that will allow you earn an income right away. You can take this money and reinvest it in your marketing plan.
What about the person that signed you up or introduced you to the network marketing business? You will want to make sure that they are committed to helping you succeed in your business. If they are, then you have chosen a very strong company and their product is a good product, too. All of this will help you succeed at your network marketing business. Also, you will want the person that signed you up to be a sponsor rather than a recruiter. A sponsor will mentor you as you learn. A recruiter could leave you high and dry.
By following all of the above, you should be able to pick the top network marketing company to get you on your way to financial independence with your new business. Your sponsor will show you the right way to sell the product and if you use the product yourself, then you can give your personal experience to your customers. They will appreciate it.
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9:01 PM
The Work at Home Industry is Booming
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
The work at home industry is booming, especially where the internet is concerned. You will never find a better time or opportunity to make money online by working from home in front of your computer. The possibilities are endless when it comes to making money online. With all of the technology available to you today, it is completely possible to manage your entire business online from anywhere in the world by using your laptop computer. If you want to stay at home and work with your pajamas on, then you can do that and still make a living for your family. Commuting is no longer required. You do not have to travel and you can save on gas and maintenance on your vehicle. The best part of it all is that you can be your own boss.
The number of people that use the internet continues to grow almost monthly. This is a good thing for those internet business entrepreneurs and anyone else that wants to take advantage of working at home on the internet. Statistics show that globally more than 800 million people use the internet. All you have to do is search for business opportunities on the internet via your favorite search engine. You will find a lot of websites that promote several of the top home based businesses on the internet, such as paid surveys, network marketing, and MLM businesses. No matter where you look on the internet, every website that you go to is making money from some type of advertising or work from home business opportunity. The internet has forever changed the job scene and the world economy with all of the new internet opportunities that arrive on the internet everyday.
According to Entrepreneur magazine 25 million Americans run a home based business. This means that about every 11 seconds someone starts a home based business. The home based business industry has become a $427 billion industry. The biggest reason behind this is that more and more people are searching for other ways of building their future for their families because they are burned out and stressed out from their job. People are wanting to be more independent and if they find the right home based business, then they can find all of that and so much more. The average home business in the United States earns about $50,000 a year.
People are looking for ways to spend more time with their families, especially if they have children. They do not want to have to deal with the stress of working for someone else or have to deal with the burn out after working for 40 years for that company. A good home based business can give them all that they are looking for.
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9:07 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
Network Internet Business
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Multi-Level Marketing is all about getting the word out fast and getting to those potential customers and recruits before anyone else does. Because if you sign them first, then you get the commissions right? What faster way to market than via the Internet? The Internet exploded in the early to mid 90s and now most families wouldn’t know how to exist without it.
Many businesses have gone from mediocre sales to stellar all because of the Internet and its astounding capability to market products and fast. But before you go and put your business on the Internet, it’s important to realize that the Government has strict regulations regarding networking on the Internet. Most of which are for consumer protection and to help the consumer to avoid scams such as pyramids that take money and don’t give back returns.
Also, it is important to check with the Networking company you are with to make sure what their specific regulations garner in respect to the specific regulations they have about advertising their product. In most cases, this is to avoid representatives making fictitious claims about their product in which the company could be liable for. So they regulate what can and can’t be said about their company in order to have the company’s voice coming through the advertisement versus the individual sales representative’s voice.
The truth is companies are concerned that the individual affiliated with them could damage their reputation or even cause lawsuits that could get them into trouble. Also, they have a large marketing department that have brainstormed and developed specific marketing strategies for the sale of their product. They would like to believe their well-paid marketing dollars and campaign is going to good use. Also many companies offer a site for your business through their company.
Most all of the sites look the same due to the they are indicative of the image the network marketing company wants to present to the public as well as they lead the consumer directly to the site where they can place orders. If you can’t lead your customer to the store—they can’t buy. It’s just that simple.
Some companies offer websites that you can still have the company’s image and logo and still lead them to the site where they can purchase, however you have a few more freedoms on adding your personal touch to the site like a personal message. This could be easily monitored as well as edited by the company’s Webmaster in case their representative makes a false claim on the site. With all of these issues in mind, the best solution for networking your business through the Internet may be to go with your company’s regulations and site requirements. If you are marketing your own personal company, be sure you check with the government to make certain your site is under regulations. A little research now can save a lot of headache later.
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5:25 AM
Friday, November 24, 2006
General Information Regarding Web Site Promotion for Newbies
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Web site owners, no matter what they sell or offer to the public, need a way to promote their web site so that they receive the traffic that they need to operate their site. Web site promotion allows web site owners to publish the name of their site along with the links to such a site so that individuals will learn about the web site and visit it. The following paragraphs will provide some valuable information for newbies who are interested in learning more about web site promotion.
What Is Web Site Promotion?
Web site promotion is a way for web site owners to attract Internet users to their site. Web site promotion comes in a variety of forms. One may sign up with free web site promotion directories which will post their information for the public to view. Other web site promotion directories will charge a fee for individuals to post information there. An additional way to pursue web site promotion is to have your link placed on another web site where visitors to that site can view the link to your web site should they feel so inclined to do so.
Purpose of Web Site Promotion
The main purpose of web site promotion is to get traffic to an individual’s web site. Since all web sites need a good amount of traffic in order to work efficiently, this is a wonderful way to direct visitors to the particular site and allow them to take advantage of all the site has to offer them.
Free or Paid Web Site Promotion
When considering which type of web site promotion to utilize, many are perplexed with regard to whether they should use free or paid web site promotion. Some may wonder why choose a paid web site promotion when they can get one for free. The answer to this is simple as some of the paid web site promotion avenues are ones which may promote the individual’s site more effectively as they are frequently viewed sites. This is not a general rule however and some free web sites have wonderful promotion techniques. A good thing to do might be to try the free promotion web sites first and then try the paid ones if the free ones do not seem to be doing the trick.
Web site promotion is one of the best ways to attract individuals to web sites. This advertising method is one which may be available to web site owners for free or the web site owners may have to pay a reasonable sum for the advertising avenues. The best thing to do is to try a few web site promotions and see which ones work the best.
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8:54 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Network Marketing Training
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Most people get into network marketing because they are frustrated with their day job and want to get out of it. If you are going to stay in network marketing, then it is extremely important that you get some training and understand how important it is for that training to be ongoing. It is not easy to build a successful sales organization.
A good training program will teach you the basics as well as how to increase your profit. When you start building your downline you will be expected to train them. This is another reason why it is great to have a good training program in place so that you can share it with them. This will ensure that they are successful and will make you successful, too.
When you are searching for the perfect training program, keep in mind that other people have done this kind of business successfully and you will want to learn from them and mimic their methods. A good training program can show you how to market your product the right way to garner more sales.
You will want to learn how to use the internet as the powerful marketing tool that it is. Your program should teach you how to write effective ads and powerful sales letters. Also, it should show you how to set up a way to contact your prospects or leads on a regular basis, how to effectively use the internet, how to manage your downline, and how to add more revenue streams without adding to your workload.
You can find some good network marketing programs that will help you improve your communications skills. This will reduce your rejection and eliminate your anxiety and fear you most likely get when you are talking to people. You can also find programs that will help you improve your listening skills and show you how to think positively.
Some programs will even show you how to set attainable goals, how to get organized, and how to motivate yourself. You can also get lead training that will help you wade through the leads and get the best leads for your business. One of the best things about the many training programs available today is that they are inexpensive and you can access them on your home computer. Some of them could even be free. If you are truly serious about your network marketing business and want to make it your full time career, then you need to commit to a good training program.
Look at some of the leaders in the network marketing business. Some of them have created training programs that will show you how they did it. Read through their material and if it doesn’t work for you, then leave it and move on.
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9:48 AM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Network Marketing Tip
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
There are a few network marketing tips that you could follow to make sure that your network marketing business is as successful as it could be. First you will want to pick your network marketing programs from a reputable list from very reliable sources. After you have your list, you will want to enroll in at least two or three of the network marketing programs. Since there is no guarantee that any program will not go out of business, it is important to not put all of your eggs in one basket. There is some truth to the saying that there is safety in numbers.
Take your one core network marketing company that is at least five years old and build on it. Make sure it is the best one that you can find. You will want to continue to promote your other network marketing businesses while you are continuing to promote your slower, but stronger core program. You should also pick a financially sound network marketing company or program. This will ensure that you feel good about your company and your product. This will help you to feel good about the company and the products that you are promoting. There is no better feeling than being able to tell your customers the prospective truth about your products.
Only get into network marketing companies that you have complete faith in. If you do not have faith in the company or the product, then how can you expect to inspire faith in the product or company? If you can’t inspire faith, then no one will want to buy your product or service. Stick with companies that have a few years of success behind them. Make sure that you can get all the literature on your chosen company so that you can read up on them and their product. It will make your life easier.
One tip you should follow is to keep your lead generating methods separate from your network marketing business promotions. It is completely legal to promote an opportunity any way that you choose; however, you do not want to tie this promotion directly to your network marketing company.
Another tip you should follow is to pick up as many books on the topic of network marketing as possible. Read anything you can get your hands on and hang onto the ones that you find especially useful. They can get you on the right track to success. Keep in mind that starting your network marketing business will take time and you will need to be patient. It could take months before you can expect anything to start to happen in your company. You should stick with your new business for at least a year before you bail out on it.
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11:32 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Network Marketing MLM Home Business
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Why should you get involved in a network marketing MLM business? If your business is a good one, then it can more than double your normal income in a short amount of time. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that you succeed at a network marketing MLM business.
You will want to find a network marketing company that is right for you. You will want to feel good about the company and the products that you are going to be representing. If you have questions about the product or service, then ask. It is okay if you do have questions. If you do not see the need for the product, then maybe it isn’t the right product for you to try and sell.
How does the company’s commission schedule look? Look at the figures and run a few estimates. Don’t believe everything you hear about how much someone has made with their company. Chances are that person has been with that company for a while and has had time to build up to that kind of income. It takes time to learn anything, especially a new business. You may not have any expectations of earning a lot of money at first.
You will want to look at who is recruiting you and see how they do it. Do they go on and on about how much money you will make or do they explain to you the possibility of building your own business? Keep in mind that the person you’re talking to might not be the best person to represent the company. Don’t turn someone down just because they have not made any money doing their business yet. Almost everyone in your upline was in the same position at you are going to be when you sign up. If they can show you that they are making a profit from their sales, then that is a great sign. A legitimate company will not have any problem with you talking to the people in your recruiter’s upline.
You will want to know if you are going to have to purchase the product in order to sell it. You don’t want to end up with a garage or attic full of a product that you will never use. Some legitimate network marking companies do require that you sell a minimum amount in order for you to receive a commission on your downline’s sales. You will also need to decide how much time you can invest in your new business. Your goal is most likely to be able to earn enough so that you can quit your day job. The success of your network business is going to be determined by how much time you have invested in it.
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11:56 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
Network Marketing Tool
Copyright © Zam
There are a wide variety of tools that can be useful in network marketing. Once you have your leads for your network marketing business, you will need ways to keep them organized. One way to do this is to purchase a good quality day planner. It will make your network marketing a lot easier on you. You will be a lot more organized, productive, and a lot happier since all you have to do is to turn a few tabs and make your notes. It will put all of your network marketing business and personal information in the same place. You can do away with those filing cabinets and all the extra paper. The right day planner will put all you need right at your fingertips. Your life will be a whole lot easier.
Keep notes on what you should remember as you continue to build and grow your network marketing business. Write down everything you need to know in about your network marketing business in a single binder. Your day planner will keep everything together for you and help you make your network marketing business as easy as possible.
Getting yourself some good ongoing network marketing training tools can give you that extra boost to make your business a complete success. You can pass this wealth of information along to your downline which will earn you more money in the long run since you will be helping them earn money. Training will be the most valuable tool that you will purchase; however, there are some free training programs for network marketing available on the internet. Take advantage of them and make your network marketing business a complete and utter success.
By doing a simple search for network marketing tools using your favorite search engine, you will find a plethora of websites and information available to you. You will want to check each one out and pick the tools and training that will work best for you. You will want to pass that knowledge on down to your downline. After all, if they are succeeding in their network marketing business, then chances are you are succeeding in yours.
A good lead generating service can be the ultimate network marketing tool, especially if those leads are good and legitimate. They can put you in contact with people that are already interested in your business or product. In some cases you can find free leads online; however, keep in mind that you will get what you pay for. Not all free leads are good leads. Your best leads will be double opt-in leads. These are people that are not only interested in your product or service, but they are interested in your business as well.
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9:47 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Network Marketing Business Opportunity
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Would you like to own your own business but find it difficult to find the money to get started? Would you like to be your own boss and set your own hours? Would you like the opportunity to reach for the stars and possibly catch one? Then you might want to check into Network Marketing. Network Marketing offers people a unique business opportunity. Many network business offer consumers the opportunity to buy their own business for little money. Most network marketing companies have a marketing plan that allows the consumer the chance to buy a membership in their company. This allows the consumer the opportunity to sell and distribute their product for a commission.
Most of the time the cost of start up is minimal compared to beginning your own business if you were to build from the ground up. The network marketing company has already done this for you. Cost start up for most business opportunities range from $10.00-$1000.00. Some may cost a little more and some may not. However, it would be difficult to start your own business for that price. Where else could you own your own business for less than $1000? Most are even cheaper than that, significantly cheaper. Many Network Marketing Companies range in what type of service they provide. From Cosmetics to vitamins to long-distance plans, chances are there is a product out there just waiting for you to sell. You want to make sure you've tried the product and are a believer in it before signing on to sell. It's easier to sell a product when you truly believe in it.
The potential customer will also ask questions and it's best if you have experience with the product and can answer those questions honestly from experience. So you've bought into the business are ready to go, now what? Find out what exact opportunities are available to you. Most Network Marketing companies offer a product to sell. You will want to learn about the percentages of commissions the company pays on retail sales. If you have a certain amount of money you need to make per week or month, then compute the amount of product you'll need to move/sell in order to earn that amount.
Now, most network marketing companies not only offer you the opportunity to earn money through commissions but they offer you the opportunity to earn money through the commissions of others. That's right, you can earn money off of what someone else sells. Isn't that wonderful? If you believe enough in your business (and chances are if you're working it, you do) then you can earn a percentage off of what someone else sells simply by sharing that same opportunity you have with someone else. If that person signs up with the company, they become your recruit and you can earn money from their sales. It doesn't just stop there, however, you can earn money off of their recruits and their recruit's recruits as well. There is no doubt if you are a self-motivated person with dreams to become a business owner, then network marketing might be for you.
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10:58 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Network Marketing Business Opportunity
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
There are many network marketing business opportunities out there for you. One is a MLM home business opportunity. This type of opportunity may be a very profitable choice that can make you money twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The programs that are offered on the internet for beginning a network marketing business opportunity will pay you commissions on sales that are generated through the company and provide those commissions for referrals. The parent company may include services to host the website and account management; however, the business owner is usually responsible for their own advertising and marketing. The online companies offer you an unlimited earning potential through a direct sales percentage rate that is set by the company.
This is not a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal. There are many legitimate multilevel marketing companies that do operate successfully. Do some research and think about all of your options before you sign a contract and pay any up front fees or buy large amounts of inventory. Doing this will help you find a good legitimate company to work with. You will find many successful stories of people who have begun a home based business and done very well for themselves. Of course, there are some risks to do this; however, if you do your research beforehand, then the risks are minimal.
There are many well-known companies out there that provide a network marketing business opportunity. They sell anything from apparel to cosmetics, to home decorating products. You have to be careful because there are scams on the internet that will promise you impossible returns. Most of them will ask for payment up front. You should be very cautious and only go with a well-known company. You should contract with a company that sells a product that you believe in.
You should contact the company you are thinking about contracting with and ask any questions you may have. Find other people that have contracted with the company and find out if they are satisfied with the company. You will want to find out how long the company has been in business and how big the company’s profit is each year. Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints raised against that company. It could not hurt to have a lawyer look over the legal side of the company before you sign a contract.
A good network marketing business opportunity will provide you with training and give you proven and tried techniques to bring you the success you want. If you are well informed about the products or services you will be selling, then it will be a lot easier for you to sell them. How can you convince someone to buy your products if you don’t know how they work?
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6:29 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006
MLM Business Opportunity Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Are you thinking of starting your MLM business or get into network marketing? How can you find a good company to contract with and not get caught up in a scam? There are a few things that you can do to make sure that you pick the right MLM business opportunity network marketing for you. First you want to find out how long the company has been around. You should select a company that has been around for at least five years and that has proven that they will be around for a long time to come. You don’t want to waste your precious time and money by investing in a business that’s not going to be around in a month or so.
Make sure that the company you have chosen has the money it will need to continue to grow and maintain itself to keep up with technology and to pay your commissions. A publicly traded company is required to disclose their financial condition in great detail every 90 days to the SEC and other government agencies so you might want to go with one of them.
Does the company you’re thinking of going with offer products or services that are unique to them? You don’t want to go with a company where people can get the product somewhere else and at a big discount. Also, you don’t want to have to deal with a lot of competition. You want to make sure that there is a real need for the product or service that you’re going to be offering. Your product or service will need to fill a true need and at a good price or it won’t succeed. There should be a large untapped market for it, meaning that it needs to be of great value so that your customer will want to buy it.
You don’t want to choose a product or service that’s merely a trend or a fad. If you do, then your business would eventually fail when the need for that product fades. You want a product or service that has a long term appeal. If you go with a trend, then you’ll not be able to build long term income. You’ll want to choose a company where you can earn immediate income so that you can finance your marketing efforts from the profits. Does the company’s marketing system take full advantage of the technology that’s available today? Sure, not everyone can be a great sales person; however, practically everyone can plug into a system that does the selling and sorting for them.
You’ll want to make sure that the person that’s getting you involved in this network business opportunity is committed to not only their success, but your success as well. If they are, then the company is a strong one and their product is a good one. This will all help you succeed at your new business venture. You want someone that’s going to sponsor and mentor you as you learn the business. You don’t want someone that’s just going to recruit you and then disappear.
You can and should be able to start your network business part time at first so you’ll not lose you primary income. Once it’s on its way to being a success, then if you want to quit your day job, feel free to do so. Lastly, you’ll want your business to be fun for you. You don’t want to think of it as a job.
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9:03 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
MLM Network Marketing Opportunity
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
If you do a simple search engine search, you will find that there are many network marketing opportunities out there. One is known as a MLM network marketing opportunity. This could be a very profitable choice for you that will allow you to make money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will be paid commissions on sales that are generated through the company. The parent company will provide you those commissions for referrals that you send them. They may also provide you with a website and account management. Since you are considered the business owner, you will most likely be responsible for advertising and marketing your product and your service by yourself. Online MLM network marketing opportunity can provide you with an unlimited earning potential through a sales percentage rate that the parent company sets.
You can find several legitimate MLM network marketing opportunities that are very successful. Before you sign a contract and pay any fees or buy a lot of inventory, do your research and look at all of your options. This will help you locate a legitimate company for you to work with. If you look, you will find many success stories of people who have made a good living by working at a MLM network marketing business. There are some risks involved in getting into a MLM business; however, if you do your research, then you can make the risks as small as possible.
You can find many well-known companies that offer MLM network marketing opportunities. They sell things like clothing, cosmetics, wellness products, home decorating products, and so much more. You need to be careful not to get caught up in any scams that are on the internet. Usually these scams will offer you impossible and improbable returns on your investment and they generally request payment up front. Only go with a well-known company that has been around for at least five years. Also, you should only contract with a company that has a product that you really believe in.
If you have any questions about your potential company, then feel free to contact them and ask your questions. Ask other people who have contracted with them and ask them if they are satisfied with them. Call your local Better Business Bureau and see if they have had any complaints about the company. Find out how long the parent company has been in business and how much their annual profit is. You may even want to consider having a lawyer look over the legal aspects of the contract.
Find a parent company that will give you the training that you will need in order to make a successful go at it. Stay well informed about your products or services so that you will be able to sell them with confidence. If you don’t know how the product works, then how can you honestly sell it?
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10:09 PM
Making More Money on Ebay
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Have you ever wondered how to make more money on Ebay? How do those power sellers make thousands of dollars a month on Ebay? What encourages buyers to bid on their item? One thing that will increase your bids is to include a picture with your listing. Statistics have shown that an auction that includes at least one picture with the listing will sell 65% better and for 23% more money than the same listing without a picture. Make sure the quality of the picture you use is as high as possible. Make sure you use a scanner with a very high resolution or use a very good quality digital camera for your picture. If the picture was taken in bad lighting or is out of focus, then it will look amateurish and will not make anyone want to buy from you.
Be sure to tell your buyers up front what your expectations are from them. You should give specifics on what payment methods you will accept, what shipping methods you use, when the product will be delivered, your refund policies, and any other business practices that you have. Your buyer needs to feel comfortable buying from you since they are going to be sending money to someone that they have never met and they are most likely going to be suspicious. The best way to gain your buyer’s trust is to offer a 100% money back guarantee, no questions asked. Of course, you may get a couple of buyers that will take advantage of this, but you will lure more buyers to your product and make them want to buy from you and this will increase your sales by a whole lot.
Another way you can increase your earnings from your Ebay auction, is to check the completed items listed before you put your items up for auction. By doing this, you will be able to see the various auctions for the item that you are wanting to sell and see the different prices that they went for. You may notice a different name for some items that went for a higher amount. If you do see a trend with the items that went for more, then be sure to use it in your auction.
When you make the title for your product, leave out the words “wow” and “look”. No one searches for those words when they are looking for items and they are just a waste of space. When you are writing your items description, be as specific as possible. Try to include as much information about the item as you can fit in. Lastly, do not charge a ridiculously high shipping price. It is okay to charge a little extra for your cost on packaging and the time you take to package it, but any more than that and people will turn away from your auction.
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6:52 PM
Link Marketing Network
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Are you getting started in a network marketing program? One of the most frequently asked questions about affiliate marketing is what is an effective marketing link program. For an affiliate to ask this type of question it means that they have realized a particular key and very important requirement for the success of their affiliate program.
It does not matter what affiliate program you are talking about or thinking about, the same remains true. Without link generated traffic, your network marketing business will fail. One of the fastest and most efficient ways to gain traffic is to use links. This holds true for both short term, medium term, and long term businesses. There is no more effective traffic generation tool than good links. When you are talking about the short term, links will get you affiliate blog traffic as you climb in the search engine ranks. When you are talking about the medium term, you will get a lot of traffic coming your way from those search engines because the links will have put you up high in their ranks. In the long run, you will be getting a whole lot of traffic from your position in the search engine ranks.
You can find a lot of affiliate link programs on the internet. Some will cost you some money while others may be free. Either way, you will have to work at it. No matter how you look at it, the majority of all the successful, top high-earning affiliates are involved in some kind of affiliate link program.
You will most likely have to create at the very least 200 reciprocal links in order for your website to be considered important enough to appear in the top listings of the major search engines. However, it is not a very good idea to place all the reciprocal links on one page. One disadvantage to doing this is that if a webmaster sees a lot of links on a single page, they won’t accept reciprocal links requests from you. You will want to create a structure of pages where the links will be placed. You will need to make a new page for each theme, similar to the theme of your website.
You will also need to make one or more web pages for links to websites that contain different themes. Then you will need to create a web page that ill link to each of these pages known as a links index or directory page. Lastly, in your links index or directory page, you will want to place the title of your home page, the description of your home page, and your home page’s URL. A webmaster will use this information to place you in their links page.
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5:50 AM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Internet Business Strategies Which Will Make One’s Business Run More Smoothly.
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Internet businesses are extremely popular job ventures this day in time. There are so many different types of Internet businesses which individuals can run from the comfort of their own home which makes this quite a valuable option for individuals. By running an Internet business, one does not have to deal with the hassle of a long commute and can even stay home with the children while making an income. When considering the best Internet business strategies, there are a few ones in particular which will make one’s business run that much more smoothly.
One of the best Internet business strategies to keep in mind relates to research. Researching various topics relating to the Internet business is vital for a few different reasons. First, by doing one’s research on Internet business topics, the individual is learning the best way to run the business as well as any tips which may enable the business owner to make more money. Secondly, performing research in relation to business enables the owner to keep up on changes and trends in the business subject matter area which gives them a boost in the business world.
Construct a Business Plan
Prior to starting an Internet business it is crucial for the business owner to construct a well thought out business plan. This business plan must contain all information necessary for the successful running of a business. The plan must address issues such as product information, overhead and selling strategies. This business plan will be the general guideline for the business owner to follow when it comes to the daily routine of their business.
Maintain Realistic Objectives and Goals
It is important to stay well grounded when pursuing an Internet business. Those who try to operate Internet businesses with the sole goal of getting rich quick may find that they are disappointed along the way. Although some Internet businesses will take off quickly and successfully, this is not the case all around. Therefore, it is important to maintain realistic objectives and goals when pursuing one’s Internet business.
Make Changes to the Business Plan Along the Way
In addition, the business plan which one creates at the inception of an Internet business should not remain stagnant. As needs, objectives and goals change along the way, so will the original business plan. Therefore, it is important to review the business plan from time to time and make any necessary changes so as to effectuate the running of a successful Internet business.
The previously mentioned items are just a few of the many strategies which one should pursue when running their own Internet business. By keeping these in mind, one may find that their Internet business will run a lot more smoothly along the way.
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11:50 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Internet and Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
With the invention of the internet, network marketing is a booming business. To get into this type of business just ten years ago, you would have had to be introduced into it by a friend or relative. Now that you have the internet, you can bring your network marketing opportunities and your products to a lot more people than ever before. You can use instant video, audio, and complete explanations of your business on the web. However, to do all this, you will need to have a website.
One of the biggest problems with the majority of network marketing affiliate programs is that the website that they give you is basically a duplicate website that looks like everyone else’s which makes the search engines ignore the website. What you really need is a website of your own, one that you can personalize with all of your information.
What you will need first is a domain name. Try to select a domain name that has keywords in it pertaining to your business. If you can’t do this, then it is still possible to get good rankings with the search engines without it. Next, you will need web hosting. Cheap web hosting is okay; however, keep in mind that you will get what you pay for in most cases. You will want to experiment with several different web hosting services to find the right one that meets your needs and most importantly that it will be up 100% of the time.
You will need to purchase some software to design your website and software to help you link your website to other websites of similar interests and quality. There is a wide variety of software out there. You may have to do some research to find the right one for you; however, most people use Macromedia’s Dreamweaver or Frontpage. You could also purchase a website template that has already been designed for a small fee. There are also a few good free software programs that will help you design your website. There is really only one website linking software that you could ever need. Linking to your competitors is important because it will ensure that you get a steady flow of traffic from websites that are similar in content to yours. Zeus Reciprocal Link software is one of the best linking software programs out there.
You must have the determination to learn how to design your website. A little skill does not hurt either. It can be a very frustrating process to design your web pages; however, it can also be very exciting and exhilarating. You can find many books and websites that will give you the information that you need to learn how to design your website. No one, but you, will know what you want and need on your website. So why hire someone else to do it when you can do it yourself?
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10:45 PM
Home Based Business Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Are you in the market for a business? Are you tired of driving to work and being a slave to the office? Try owning your own Home Based Business through Network Marketing. Network Marketing Companies offer individuals the unique opportunity to own and operate their own business right in their own home. They allow you to set your own hours and build and grow your business at your own rate. With most Home Based Network Marketing opportunities, there is minimal start up rates and once you've paid for your beginner's kit, you are a business owner. Where else could you own your own business for less than $1000? Most are even cheaper than that, significantly cheaper.
Many home based marketing businesses out there range in what type of service they provide. From Cosmetics to vitamins to long-distance plans, chances are there is a product out there just waiting for you to sell. You want to make sure you've tried the product and are a believer in it before signing on to sell. It's easier to sell a product when you truly believe in it. The potential customer will also ask questions and it's best if you have experience with the product and can answer those questions honestly from experience. So you've bought into the business are ready to go, now what? Find out what exact opportunities are available to you.
Most Network Marketing companies offer a product to sell. You will want to learn about the percentages of commissions the company pays on retail sales. If you have a certain amount of money you need to make per week or month, then compute the amount of product you'll need to move/sell in order to earn that amount. For example, if you need to make $120.00 per week and you earn a 30% commission then you need to sell $400.00 in retail sales. Now, most home based marketing businesses not only offer you the opportunity to earn money through commissions but they offer you the opportunity to earn money through the commissions of others. That's right, you can earn money off of what someone else sells. Isn't that wonderful? If you believe enough in your business (and chances are if you're working it, you do) then you can earn a percentage off of what someone else sells simply by sharing that same opportunity you have with someone else. If that person signs up with the company, they become your recruit and you can earn money from their sales. It doesn't just stop there, however, you can earn money off of their recruits and their recruit's recruits as well. So, with network marketing, the sky is the limit and you are the astronaut.
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10:16 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Business Success Stories
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
How to Learn More About Home Business Success Stories
Home businesses are extremely popular these days and their popularity continues to grow. Individuals are expressing an interest in this type of work as it provides them with a certain level of freedom that a normal 9 to 5 job may not provide them. They can work from home, stay home with their children, avoid long commutes and be their own boss. When considering these aspects, it is easy to see why this type of work is such a popular choice. For those who wish to learn more about home business success stories as they contemplate getting involved in this line of work, there are a few places where such stories can be found.
Read Home Business Success Stories on the Internet
The Internet is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for interested parties to take advantage thereof. There are many websites, forums and chat rooms which detail this type of business and provide an avenue in which home business owners can chat with one another and perhaps pick up good tips as well. Home business success stories are also readily available on websites relating to this topic and one is sure to find a number of stories to bide their time with.
Purchase Home Business Books
Books which relate to home businesses are also continuing to grow in number. Since more and more individuals are starting their own home businesses, there are more individuals who are writing books about the subject and detailing their success stories relating to such. Home business books are beneficial for a few different reasons.
One who reads home business books will find that these books describe the business for the reader. This will provide the reader with valuable information as to running a home business. Also, home business books are beneficial as they provide success stories for the reader. These types of success stories are ones which will provide the reader with the confidence that they too can start up and run a successful home business. One will find a large variety of books which detail home businesses as well as home business success stories.
Friends and Family Members
Lastly, home business success stories can be gained from friends and family members as well. Since home businesses are so popular, one may know someone close to them who runs a home business and they can listen to the success stories told by these individuals. Home business success stories provided by friends and family members are quite valuable as they are coming from a trusted source and many times the individual inquiring about such stories have seen the success stories personally.
Learning about home business success stories is a great thing to do as it provides individuals not only with tips for their own businesses but the confidence to pursue their goals and dreams relating to running their own home business.
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7:41 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
Home Business Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
If you are looking for a good financial opportunity that will allow you to stay home with your family, then a home business network marketing program could be perfect for you. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities like these available to you and all of them can be conducted at home with your computer and the internet. If you are willing to invest the time and the energy, then you can receive some great financial rewards from your home business network marketing program.
How successful your home business network marketing program is will be based mainly on how much you are willing to invest in it. You can work at your own pace and set your own schedule. Many people find this very appealing and the ideal solution to their income problems. If you are looking for a way to earn some extra money, are a stay at home mom, are retired, then you will most likely find this type of business a good way to supplement your income.
To be a successful home business network marketing worker, you will want to be a self-starter who does not mind working by yourself and can mange to maintain a schedule. You will also want to be very friendly and enjoy talking with other people. You should be able to invest three or more hours a day to your network marketing program. It will require you to be focused and disciplined. If you are very easily distracted, then this might not be the right type of job for you. You may get the flexible hours you want with your network marketing business, but you will still want to invest those hours in order to make it a successful business.
Find a product or service to promote that you can get excited about. If you are not excited about it, then your customers will not be excited about it either. You will also want to work with a network marketing company that will give you all the support and ongoing training that you need in order to succeed. Browse through the internet and find websites that give you information on network marketing businesses and narrow your options down to three or four choices. Research your potential companies before you invest in them. Also, you will want to get quotes on how much it will cost you to get involved in the company.
What you can sell through your home business network marketing program is only limited by your imagination. Take your time when you think about the different products and services before you select one to promote. It can be very exhilarating and financially fulfilling being your own boss.
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9:51 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Home Based Business Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
In the past few years home based business network marketing has grown and become a major force for helping people who want to work from home in touch with companies that are looking for home based workers. If you are looking for a home based MLM business, then you will find many choices on the internet. Some operations are known as turnkey operations. This just means that a product is bought and resold to another buyer who has visited the seller’s website. The website is generally set up for the seller by the parent company. This kind of market can be a very successful market to get into. This type of home based business network marketing is open to any type of product that you want to sell. The wide variety of products that you can sell is limitless. Most sellers will end up selling products that they themselves are interested in.
MLM, multilevel business marketing, will pay its partners when other people join the team to sell their product. If you want to stop the daily grind of going to work every day, then a home based MLM business opportunity could be just what you are searching for. It can be very appealing to ponder the idea of sitting at your computer at home every day and earn an income; however, it is not a good idea for you to quit your day job just yet. The income you get to start with probably will not be enough for you to survive on. You could start on a part time basis and build your business to a point where you can quit your day job and work from home.
There are a lot of false claims out there about people who earn $50,000 in the first month. Sure, this could have happened, but this is not the norm for the average person. If you come across a business opportunity that claims things like this, then you should run for the nearest exit. Instead, look for a business that promises to train and mentor you so that you can learn the industry you are getting into. Also, you will want them to be up front about how much time it could possibly take to build your sales to a profitable level. Most businesses of this type do require an initial investment in the beginning. The investment should not be a huge amount. If it is, then look at the opportunity before you decide to participate in it. You should check out the Better Business Bureau before committing yourself to one of these business opportunities to avoid getting involved with a fraudulent company.
There are many familiar companies out there that have been home based for many years, such as those that deal in women’s makeup and household products. You no longer have to go door to door, instead, you can set up a website and sell those products from there. You can even be a freelance writer from home.
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5:41 AM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
How To Get Rich Selling E-books.
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Many people these days are interested in learning various ways to make a good income without ever having to leave their home. Some open up their own businesses whereas others work in various job roles via online means. One way in which individuals have learned that they can make money is by selling e-books. There are a few tips to follow when interested in learning how to get rich selling e-books.
Focus on a Topic of Knowledge.
Prior to selling the e-books, an individual has to write the book first. The best type of e-book to write and ultimately sell is one which focuses on a topic that the writer is highly knowledgeable about upfront. This is beneficial for two reasons. First, by having the knowledge to write the e-book the individual is preparing a well thought out book that will offer real advice or information to the purchasers of such books. Secondly, when a writer has a true sense of knowledge with relation to a certain topic they will be able to write the e-book in a fast, efficient manner thereby getting it out to the purchasers much more quickly.
Read Up on How to Prepare and Sell the E-books.
In order to truly learn the best way to go about preparing and selling the e-books, writers should read up on the subject. This may provide them with helpful tips along the way and let them know how to get started with the sale aspect of the e-books. There are books available today which provide individuals with helpful insight from start to finish and this may be a good way to learn selling techniques as well as writing techniques.
Advertise Effectively.
Once the e-book has been written and it is time to put it out on the sales market, the author needs to learn how to advertise in an effective manner. Individuals who are searching for e-books online will usually only read the first few lines or paragraphs of an e-book advertisement so it is important to advertise effectively and efficiently right in the beginning. This can be done in a bullet format or paragraph format with bold headlines. Whatever one chooses it is important to emphasize certain selling points so that readers can skim through the information and have their eyes hit on certain statements.
These are some of the best ways to get rich selling e-books. This may not happen overnight but if one contemplates the previously mentioned items, they may find that the sale of e-books increase and they have a good shot at making a nice sum of money from selling e-books. There are a lot of topics which can be constructed into an e-book and the writer simply needs to pick the best ones in which to construct their e-book.
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12:31 AM