Network Marketing Opportunity
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Are you tired of the daily grind? Working 9-5 day in and day out got you down? Well, you might want to consider looking into a network marketing opportunity. A Network Marketing opportunity offers the chance for you to own your own business and share that knowledge with others in order to receive more commissions. Most network marketing companies have a product to sell.
As an Independent Marketing Director or agent (most companies have a specific name for their recruiters and it usually varies per company), you have the opportunity to sell the product for a commission of retail sales. Sometimes companies offer a flat rate of commission. For example if a company offers to pay you 30% commissions on retail sales and you sold $200.00, then you would receive a commission of $60.00. Now while this is common in most companies, a lot of network marketing companies will offer you a percentage on sales for a base amount of sales. For instance, if you sell $200 you get 30% and if you sell $400 you get 35% and $500 you get 40% and so forth and so on. They use this technique as an incentive for their sales representatives to sell a greater amount of retail sales. Makes sense doesn’t it?
The representative that sells the most retail sales gets the most commissions. This is an awesome opportunity for those who are self-motivated and don’t mind setting goals and achieving those goals. Another way for you to make money with a network marketing opportunity is through recruitment and sharing the knowledge with another potential sales representative. This is called recruiting or sharing the opportunity you have with other people. You are offering them the same opportunity to be their own boss and work the business the same way you have been like sharing successes. When this person signs up for the opportunity, they become your personal recruit.
This allows you the opportunity to earn commissions off what someone else sells. Usually this range falls around the 4-7% of retail sales range. Network marketing doesn’t just stop there, if you go on to recruit several people, they fall under you and you would be earning a certain percentage for all of the people under you. The more you recruit, the more you earn and all of this is on top of your personal sales commission. Sounds great doesn’t it?
For some people network marketing is a dream come true and to others it’s a complete disaster. What network marketing is to you is what you make it. If you sign up to become a sales person and don’t try and sell anything then you won’t make any money. If you don’t want to recruit then the opportunity for leadership diminishes as well. If you work, work, work and set goals and benchmarks, then you will most likely have a better outcome and a more positive experience with network marketing. As always, please check the reputation of a company before signing up. There are many reputable companies out there. Look for longevity and others who have been successful with their marketing plan. Good luck and enjoy your new business.
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Thursday, December 07, 2006
Network Marketing Internet Business
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Are you interested in changing careers? Have you wondered how you could afford to be a full time stay at home parent? Do you want to set your own hours, career goals, and salary? A network marketing internet business, sometimes called MLM or multi level marketing, just might be the ideal path for you. With network marketing on the internet, you determine how much you work, what hours you devote to your network marketing business opportunity, how much money you will earn, and best of all, you can do it all right from the comfort of your own home!
What exactly is Network Marketing and how does it work? Network Marketing means that companies choose to sell products by using independent internet distributors rather than stocking their products in storefronts. They also allow these independent distributors to build and manage their own sales force to increase their earnings. Independent distributors do this by recruiting, motivating, supplying, and training others to sell the company’s products on the internet. The distributors' compensation comes from a percentage of their internet product sales. This percentage is sometimes fixed but more often is dependent on their total sales, with higher earnings percentages resulting from higher sales. Distributors who recruit and train other salespeople will also earn a percentage of the sales of their sales group. The independent representatives that each distributor signs up are often referred to as their ‘downline’.
A Network Marketing Internet Business works in much the same way as any offline Network Marketing Business does. In a nutshell, if you want your Network Marketing Internet Business to be a success, you must follow certain rules of thumb. These are to have an attractive, informative, and easy to use website; to be knowledgeable and excited about your Network Marketing Internet Business and the Network Marketing opportunity; and to always deliver prompt, friendly, and quality customer service.
Having an attractive, informative, and easy to use website is absolutely key to any Network Marketing Internet Business. You might have the best product in the world, but if your website is dull, slow, and boring, no one will find out about it! Your website should be interesting and attractive, without adding strange fonts that might be difficult to read or having too many pictures to slow the loading speed of your website. These simple things can make or break your Network Marketing Internet Business.
And you must always remember that just because your Network Marketing business is on the internet instead of offline, does not mean that you can neglect personal relationships! You must always be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about your product, and deliver great customer service promptly. This will keep the customers coming back!
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6:46 PM
Network Marketing Company
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria
Whether you are retired and interested in a little extra income to save up for vacations or holiday gifts, or you are an eighteen year old wondering how to pay for college, Network Marketing just might be the ideal path for you. Anyone can do Network Marketing in just your spare time, but if you are truly serious about setting your own hours and earning all the money you need to not only pay your bills, but to fund your dreams, then you need to do certain things. First, you must choose the Network Marketing Company that is right for you!
How will you know what Network Marketing Company is the right one for you? Well, that answer is different for everyone. It helps to know what your goals are for your Network Marketing business. Do you want to simply save up a little extra money around Christmas to buy gifts? Or do you want to save up a lot of extra money to take your family on that week long Caribbean cruise you have always dreamed of? Both are valid dreams and neither is better than the other—and Network Marketing Companies can help you achieve both of them. You should write out your goal and have it near you always. Add the dollar amount that you want to earn to make this dream a reality. This will help keep you motivated and on track to meet your goals.
Secondly, what are your interests? While some Network Marketing Companies offer higher average earnings than others, this is not the best way to choose the Network Marketing Company that you choose to work with. If you are interested in motorcycle parts, repair, and detailing, you are not likely to be enthusiastic and knowledgeable about skin care and perfume! Your earnings will almost certainly not match the ‘average’ listed on a Network Marketing Company’s website if you do not enjoy and believe in the products you are marketing.
Instead, choose a Network Marketing Company that produces a product in which you are interested. Learn about that product, and become enthusiastic about it. If you believe in and enjoy your products, that belief and enjoyment carries through in your sales pitch. People are more likely to buy products from you when you can honestly say that you use and like your own products, and when you can give knowledgeable, first hand testimony of how these products work, last, and feel.
Finally, remember that attitude is everything in Network Marketing. You must be dedicated, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and energetic to succeed in any Network Marketing Company. Your dreams are within your grasp with Network Marketing—all you need to do is go out and grab them!
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5:29 AM