Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Internet and Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria

With the invention of the internet, network marketing is a booming business. To get into this type of business just ten years ago, you would have had to be introduced into it by a friend or relative. Now that you have the internet, you can bring your network marketing opportunities and your products to a lot more people than ever before. You can use instant video, audio, and complete explanations of your business on the web. However, to do all this, you will need to have a website.

One of the biggest problems with the majority of network marketing affiliate programs is that the website that they give you is basically a duplicate website that looks like everyone else’s which makes the search engines ignore the website. What you really need is a website of your own, one that you can personalize with all of your information.

What you will need first is a domain name. Try to select a domain name that has keywords in it pertaining to your business. If you can’t do this, then it is still possible to get good rankings with the search engines without it. Next, you will need web hosting. Cheap web hosting is okay; however, keep in mind that you will get what you pay for in most cases. You will want to experiment with several different web hosting services to find the right one that meets your needs and most importantly that it will be up 100% of the time.

You will need to purchase some software to design your website and software to help you link your website to other websites of similar interests and quality. There is a wide variety of software out there. You may have to do some research to find the right one for you; however, most people use Macromedia’s Dreamweaver or Frontpage. You could also purchase a website template that has already been designed for a small fee. There are also a few good free software programs that will help you design your website. There is really only one website linking software that you could ever need. Linking to your competitors is important because it will ensure that you get a steady flow of traffic from websites that are similar in content to yours. Zeus Reciprocal Link software is one of the best linking software programs out there.

You must have the determination to learn how to design your website. A little skill does not hurt either. It can be a very frustrating process to design your web pages; however, it can also be very exciting and exhilarating. You can find many books and websites that will give you the information that you need to learn how to design your website. No one, but you, will know what you want and need on your website. So why hire someone else to do it when you can do it yourself?

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To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Home Based Business Network Marketing
Copyright © Zamzuri Zakaria

Are you in the market for a business? Are you tired of driving to work and being a slave to the office? Try owning your own Home Based Business through Network Marketing. Network Marketing Companies offer individuals the unique opportunity to own and operate their own business right in their own home. They allow you to set your own hours and build and grow your business at your own rate. With most Home Based Network Marketing opportunities, there is minimal start up rates and once you've paid for your beginner's kit, you are a business owner. Where else could you own your own business for less than $1000? Most are even cheaper than that, significantly cheaper.

Many home based marketing businesses out there range in what type of service they provide. From Cosmetics to vitamins to long-distance plans, chances are there is a product out there just waiting for you to sell. You want to make sure you've tried the product and are a believer in it before signing on to sell. It's easier to sell a product when you truly believe in it. The potential customer will also ask questions and it's best if you have experience with the product and can answer those questions honestly from experience. So you've bought into the business are ready to go, now what? Find out what exact opportunities are available to you.

Most Network Marketing companies offer a product to sell. You will want to learn about the percentages of commissions the company pays on retail sales. If you have a certain amount of money you need to make per week or month, then compute the amount of product you'll need to move/sell in order to earn that amount. For example, if you need to make $120.00 per week and you earn a 30% commission then you need to sell $400.00 in retail sales. Now, most home based marketing businesses not only offer you the opportunity to earn money through commissions but they offer you the opportunity to earn money through the commissions of others. That's right, you can earn money off of what someone else sells. Isn't that wonderful? If you believe enough in your business (and chances are if you're working it, you do) then you can earn a percentage off of what someone else sells simply by sharing that same opportunity you have with someone else. If that person signs up with the company, they become your recruit and you can earn money from their sales. It doesn't just stop there, however, you can earn money off of their recruits and their recruit's recruits as well. So, with network marketing, the sky is the limit and you are the astronaut.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit: